Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Sure Sign of a Trivial Objection

When I can make a slight modification to my example that completely eliminates your objection without affecting the point I am trying to make in the slightest.

The lesson to be learned: think before you speak (didn't your mother teach you that?)

Thursday, November 22, 2007


We have gone too far, and now cannot find our way back.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Virtual Conspiracies

Tales of dark conspiracies abound, but most people (myself included) do not lend them much credence. Nevertheless, in some cases it does seem as if there were a conspiracy. Now this got me thinking, and I realized that the actions of a multitude of individuals, even though they are not coordinating their actions with one another, can result in a situation where it is as if there were a conspiracy.

And these virtual conspiracies can be every bit as dark and dangerous as real conspiracies. Even more so, when you consider that there is no one in charge - they are something mindless that emerges from the chaos of normal human activity.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Non-Descriptive Realism: realism about the mind-independent world as a whole (there is one way the world is in-itself), combined with conceptual relativism (there are multiple empirically equivalent descriptions that can be given of it).


Knowle: an individual belief that counts as knowledge.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What contract?

I renounced my social contract a long time ago ... funny how nothing changed.