Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Philosophical Etiquette

"I don't understand what you mean" is not, under any circumstances, an appropriate response to a philosophical question/statement.

An example of an appropriate response would be: "I'm not quite sure I understand — do you mean... in which case..."


I am thoroughly convinced that the primary use of the word 'knowledge' is in making value judgments regarding beliefs, and that epistemology is rightly seen as being part of value-theory.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Conceptual Leaps and Bounds

You're supposed to think it through, and figure it out for yourself.

Of course, I think this is all very clever.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Meaning Externalism

It is a simple matter to conceive of myself as being a brain in a vat. I know what that is, and I know what it would mean for me to be one.

You chuckle. And mention Putnam.

But is there any reason why we shouldn't construe Putnam's argument as constituting a reductio ad absurdum of meaning externalism? I mean, any reason other than the fact that Putnam didn't mean for it to be, despite the fact that it is.